Sunday, April 5, 2009

In Which I Get Owned

Uuugh, of COURSE it has been done before. Way to have a super obvious idea, Lauren. Way to not know anything about design. Way to go.

Here, look at these hats, everyone. This is what I'm good at. Making you look at a thing. And procrastinating (see: watercolor brush i am currently holding in my teeth, with a half-finished sketch 2 ft away).

I LIKE THE ONES IN THE BACK WITH THE BOW.By Ganryu for Comme Des Garçons. (Typing with accent marks: another competency).



Isozaki420 said...


That is not what I meant at all. I was excited that I actually had something neat that you would like.

It shows the quality of your idea that someone else (who knows alot of things) wrote about it.

Im sorry if it came off like a bastard comment.

Lauren D. said...

aw c'mon Matt, I'm not a baby. I didn't think you were being mean and you didn't hurt my feelings.

I just hate when my status as "certified motherfucking genius" is undermined. I'm sensitive about it. This is my personal issue, and I'm dealing with it by becoming more of a genius.

Also I really enjoyed that article. Thank you.